She has actually guessed what we are doing and won the $100 prize. Congratulations Claudia Avery, Florida Cleaning Concepts. But, now someone can guess the rest and win the 2nd prize!!
We're having so much fun that we are going to keep going for a second place winner. Keep guessing to see if you can win a luxurious, theraputic massage from Massage Envy.
So OKAY, here's what's beend guesse CORRECTLY SO FAR by our winner, Cladia Avery (obviously a SMART Woman indeed!):
Who: Debbie Sardone AND Renee O’Brien
What: Hosting a Fun, Powerful and Strategic Conference for Women Executives in the Cleaning Industry (Female Owners, CEOs, Presidents, Top Managers, Administrators, Executives)
When: Thursday, May 13 – 17, 2010 (Oooops, did we let that exact date slip out?--oh well!)
Where: ????
So, you "guys" are good! I've read some great guesses so was so close I thought maybe they've been wire tapping my phones! The responses I've been getting to our "clue excursion" has been phenomenal. I am getting so excited I'm afraid to answer my phone lest I accidentally let the rest of the details slip out. So, here is another clue to help you come up with the rest of the specifics for the 2nd place prize winner:
CLUE #3:

This will be the only clue posted today, so for those of you who said you've been chained to your computer, checking your email every five minutes so you can be the first to guess, take a deep breath, think about these photos and log your guess now by filling out the guessing survey:
or visit my website: or vist the SMART Women website:
Guess today, and then check again tomorrow for another clue! Only Saturday and Sunday for clues and the the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT will be made on Monday!
Here are just some of the guesses that have come in that DO NOT have location correct. A little more hints… not in Seattle, not in Dallas, not in Seattle and Dallas at the same time, not on the internet, not in Las Vegas, not in Chicago, not in Alaska – but these are some great guesses.Here is just a handful of the dozens of SMART guesses you have given:
"Fun Seminars, Debbie Sardone and Renee O'Brien in May 2010 in Seattle, Washington" – You are right that we definitely will be including lots of fun.
"Paris" (I wish! We should have talked to you before hand!)
"You two are planning a weekend conference, I'm guessing May 8th and 9th?? 2010 in Seattle hosted by Debbie and Renee to teach us cleaning service owners how to get profitable -- even maybe RICH! and have more personal time... and I am SOOOO READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You GOTTA count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs!" – We feel so energized from your comments!
"It's called Smart Women Maid Rich, hosted by Renee O'Brien and Debbie Sardone, it is in May of 2010 and it will be in Vegas (between Washington and Texas)." – We’ll have to lose our pocketbooks another year.
"Educational Seminar - Women in the Cleaning Business - Having It All - Hosted by Debbie & Renee in May, 2010 in Seattle WOOOOOOO WHOOOOOO" – No not Seattle, but YES bring your enthusiasm!Presenting a new maid cleaning service franchise Smart women hosting in Seattle in May 2010 – Interesting….got us……maybe we can launch another business…….uh, no.
"Work/Life Balance with Renee O’Brien and Debbie Sardone" – The speaker part and the Work and Life in Balance is 100% right, in addition to Sales Skills, Communication Skills, Conflict Management, Leadership Skills and a heck of a lot of FUN!
"May 2010; women in leadership roles, women learning to become leaders and wealthy through advanced systems, proven techniques and bartering. Who? Only the absolute best mentors in the whole world Renee and Debbie" – LOVE the comments!!!!
"You two are joining forces and developing an INCREDIBLE (COULD IT BE ANYTHING ELSE????) seminar for women in the cleaning industry" – Oh boy, now we are starting to blush. It’s this great group of women that will really make this event!
"Oh man, I've sooo got it! You're holding the weekend conference at the Seattle Aquarium!!!!!!!! Fish, right? Ha! Such a wicked clue I couldn't go to sleep!" – That would have been cool, but Seattle in May is a little cold. Oops, I did it again, let it slip.
Funny Comments This is going to be a fun group, some of these comments are too funny!--At the fish market, with the theme
F females
I intending to be
S super
H humans
A Man
What does it need? A Location One of the male respondents was super smart and understood that this event, though geared toward women involves him because he likely has women in his business that can benefit from this. When asked what this event must have to be complete he said: "Estrogen and a venue."
All great ideas that we may incorporate!
Someone else thought: “You are going to teach us how to have it all: riches, balance in life and business and how to make it fun for us and our employees. The theme will be based on the book FISH which will help us to transform a “toxic energy dump” (every company has one) into a workplace that adds value, productivity and profit to the company, thereby creating happier workers, employers, and customers!" to quote a review of the book which I LOVED. When we closed our (old business) we watched this video and handed out the book. IT WORKS I JUST HAVE TO BE REMINDED AND RE-ENERGIZED WHICH WOULD HAPPEN JUST BY BEING NEAR THE TWO OF YOU!!!!! :-) “– WOW what a great idea and flattering comment. We hadn’t planned on using that book, but it is a great idea!!! And, of course with the FISH clue we should have thought of it.
Massages – Now you’ve got me giving away more secrets. Yes there will definitely be a possibility of massages.
Lots of great food – You bet! And, we might as well let it out that our conference will include several dinners and some entertainment that will all be part of your conference ticket!!
A Glass of Wine – Wouldn’t miss it!
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